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  Storage Cereals


One of main activity of LIMBURG SRL company is storage and processing of cereals In a view to their further commercialization on the territory of the Republic of Moldova or their export abroad.

The main silo in the management of the company is located in LAPUSNA locality of Hancesti region. The maximum storage capacity of this silo is about 55 thousand tons of cereal products, as: Sunflower Seeds (technical type, Jaguar XL, BADDGER, CPK etc), feed corn, food and feed wheat, barley, soybeans and others. LIMBURG SRL offers in this silo services for storageand processing of cereal products, by offering large spaces and competitive prices.

For more details for silo services please call the company head office.

Own production cultivated on the agricultural lands of the company is mostly temporarily deposited in grain stores, which is located in the Soroca and Slodanesti regions.

Starting with 2016, LIMBURG SRL becomes a member of Constanta Port, renting warehouses with high storage capacity, And having the opportunity to load barges and sea vessels by the self-heir (DANA 53, PORT CONSTANTA).

With this storehouse LIMBURG SRL can temporarily store large quantities of 5-10 thousand tons of cereal products, in a view of the rapid loading of sea-going vessels ordered by buyers.


Name     Price, MDL 
Sunflower    10,30 -:- 10,50
Barley    2,80 -:- 3,00
Wheat    3,40 -:- 3,60
Rape    -:-
Corn**    3,20 -:- 3,40
Soybean    -:-
Peas    -:-
Sorgo     -:-
**Pricefordry corn

RO-10910 :    IQNet / SRAC ISO 9001:2015 :    Certified Quality Management System

Address: Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, 37 Tighina Str., of.7      phone/fax: (+373 22) 26-09-75, 22-21-12;      email:

Copyright 2017,    Brega Vadim,     LIMBURG SRL Company